24/7 Customer Service

Argentina 0800 4441795
Austria 0810 555 701
Australia 1 800 058744
Belgium Support en Français: 078 1660 92
Nederlands: 078 1660 35
Bolivia 800 10 0904
Brazil 0800 891 1712
Canada English support: 1 866 492 3245
Support en Français: 1 866 493 3497
Switzerland Support in English: 0848 101717
Support en Français: 0840 000132
Hotline (Deutsch): 0840 000133
Supporto in Italiano: 0840 000137
Chile 800-201882
China 400 120 1340
Czech Republic 800 143441
Colombia 01800 9 157346
Germany 0180 1000496 Festnetz: max. 0,06 EUR (pro Minute)
Mobilfunk: keine zusätzliche Gebühr
Denmark 8088 3044
Spain 901 988502
Finland 0800 914 749
France 0820 600 093
Greece 00800 127605
Hong Kong 800 962401
中文支持: 800 962408
Hungary 06 800 16956
Indonesia 007 803 011 0118
Ireland 1850 930484
Iceland 800 8232
Israel 1-80-9213036
Italy 840 999 878
Japan 0120 800 937
Mexico 001 877 396 6197
Malaysia 1 800 814611
Netherlands 0800 0201517
Norway 800 195 73
New Zealand 0800 451596
Peru 0800-54451
Philippines 1 800 1 114 2126
Poland 00800 1213175
This number is free if called from a landline. Calls made from mobile phones may incur a charge, depending on your service provider.
Portugal 8008 14307
Russia 810 8002 5354011
Sweden 0200 884 717
Saudi Arabia Arabic: 800-8-110146
Singapore 800 1205159
Thailand 001 800 12 066 6549
United Arab Emirates Arabic: 800-011-0111
English: 800-011-0107
United Kingdom 0845 0805012
U.S.A. 1 888 850 3958
Soporte en Español: 1 866 938 1297
Uruguay 000 413 598 4058
Venezuela 0800 100 3604
South Africa 080 0981007
International +44 20 3320 2609

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